Gomaren & Doctors Creek Catchment Landcare Group
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5th Annual Competition
Open to:
1. Residents within TRC** region
2. Primary School students within TRC region
3. Landcare Groups in DD/CC*region
4. Individual Landcare members
5. ALL groups in DD/CC region with an interest in the environment.
**Toowoomba Regional Council
*Darling Downs / Condamine Catchment
Category Sections
Open to ALL TRC residents
Open (18+) Total Entry Fee: $5.00 (Max. 3 entries per category)
Under 18’s FREE ENTRY (Max. 3 entries per category)
1. Just Add Water
Any aspect of water in our environment – may include people, weather events, rural landscapes before, during & after rain, flora & fauna. Images should tell a story.
2. Rural Landscape
Images should showcase the unique rural and agricultural landscapes of the Darling Downs
3. Working on the Farm
Images to portray production of food and fibre, daily & seasonal activities, new and tried and true technologies.
4. Best Farm Buddies
May include any combination of animals and /or people.
5. Wildlife on the Downs
Single-species images of native fauna including birds, mammals, reptiles, insects in their natural habitat.
6. Drone Images: The Big Picture
This new category is for images which showcase farming activities and rural landscapes on the Downs from above. Max. size: 20MB
7. Special Category: On Our Selection...historical images taken in the past*
Images from the 1800’s to 2000 should portray our farming & pioneering heritage on the Downs and may include rural life, farming activities, transport, buildings, home gardens, community events. Family portraits do not suit this category unless in a rural setting. Details of where and when photo was taken required. Image resolution may be enhanced before being uploaded.
* Winners to be selected by People’s Choice at Royal Bulls Head Inn at Drayton (Sept. 20 - 25) during Carnival of Flowers Week.
Payment to be made to GDCC account:
BSB: 638-070
Acc. No: 7115660
Details: Your Name + Focus on Farms
Nicki Laws Perpetual Trophy
Best Visual Presentation Promoting a Landcare Activity in this Region
Theme: “Making a Difference”
Total Entry Fee: $5.00 (Max. 3 entries per group/individual)
See our News page for details of fabulous prize for winning entry.
Open to:
# ALL Landcare Groups within Darling Downs/ Condamine Catchment area (DD/CC)
# Individual Landcare Group members
# ALL groups and individuals within the DD/CC with an interest in the environment.
Presentation will showcase examples of Landcare activities such as:
weed management, protecting & managing waterways, planting & conserving native plant species, habitat restoration, trapping feral animals, using sustainable methods of food and fibre production, innovative projects to address challenges, trialling new technologies, community events such as field days, workshops & guest speakers.
Entry Details
#Presented on black signboard 500mm x 770 mm x 5mm.
(Quill PPSignboard available at Office Works)
Note: Black cardboard in the same size may be substituted if the prescribed boards are unavailable.
#Maximum 7 photos, 5” x 7”, borderless, matt finish.
#Include: Title, captions for photos, short description of project (100 words).
#Name of group/ name of entrants on reverse side only please.
#When uploading the online entry form, please include a photo of your board
for our reference.
Payment to be made to GDCC account:
BSB: 638-070
Acc. No: 7115660
Details: Nick Laws +Group/individual name
Presentation Layout Example

Primary School Category**
Best Visual Presentation of a Landcare Project by a Primary School, Family Group or Under 13 individual.
Theme: "Why We Love Where We Live”
Free Entry (Max. 3 entries per school/family/individual)
Prize money and a trophy will be presented to the winning school or individual student.
See our News page for details of fabulous prize for winning entry.
Open to:
ALL Primary School Students within the TRC Region
Closing date for this category has been extended to Monday 14th September 2020
Hey kids. It’s on again. If you live in the Toowoomba Regional Council area and you are of Primary School age, this competition is for you.
Entry is FREE and it is a really good way to spend some quality time outdoors while putting your citizen scientist skills to work.
The best news is that Costa Georgiadis has confirmed that he will judge this category.
It does require you to take some photos. Are you up for the challenge?
This year’s competition is entitled “Why We Love Where We Live” and we want you to observe and document the wildlife you find in your school ground or even better, in your own backyard. Subjects may include plants as well as animals which are in your special place because of your efforts.
The competition is linked to the school curriculum and to the “Enhancing Habitats” unit of the Junior Landcare programme.
It would really enrich a science unit as well as a literacy programme, not to mention your ability to pitch a story to an audience. You need to take the photos (up to seven per entry) and write the 100 word cover story to go with the images. Stories and images may focus on a single species or a variety of species. The cover story is to be told from the viewpoint of the plants and animals you have recorded. Each photo must also have a short caption which improves the audience’s understanding of your story.
Ideas include:
A butterfly and bee friendly garden.
A veggie garden / orchard and the insects, worms, beetles, lizards that visit (including the uninvited ones!)
All the wildlife found in one particular place in the garden (such as a tree you have planted, a lily pond etc.)
A butterfly life cycle (perhaps in the veggie garden or in a patch that isn’t mown)
A frog lifecycle in the frog pond.
All the species found in the chook pen or other spaces you have created.
Native plants and the care involved in growing them (watering, weeding, mulching, protecting etc.)
Bird/birds which regularly visit for food or for nesting materials, or to nest because of your efforts.
Entries can be submitted from July 20 – August 20
There is a limit of three entries per school, family or Individual.
Did we mention that entry is free?
There is a trophy and prize money to be presented to the winning entries.
If signboard is unavailable, black cardboard in the same dimensions may be used.
(W: 770mm x H: 550mm)
I am a Spotted Pardalote.
I find bark for my nest in this garden.

This competition is part of the 5th Annual Photographic Competition “Focus on Farms” organised by Gomaren & Doctors Creek Catchment Landcare Group Inc.
The entire competition will be launched on May 1st 2020.
Given the current schooling conditions, we decided to launch the School’s section now, to give ALL of you ( teachers, parents and students) a positive focus during the time when children will be at home.
Please remember that while adult supervision is encouraged the work must be that of the students.
Have fun, stay safe. Costa and the GDCC Landcare team (based in Goombungee) look forward to seeing your entries.
**See above for presentation layouts details
**Entries in this category may be supported by a short video (max. 1 minute) uploaded to
Dropbox. See contact details for further assistance.
Presentation Layout Example

**When uploading the online entry form please include a photo of your board, for our reference.
**Name of school / entrants on reverse side only please
Useful links to the Junior Landcare “Enhancing Habitats” work unit and other teaching resources.
When uploading the online entry form, please include a photo of your board, for our reference.
FREE ENTRY U/18 & School Categories.
Entry fee in Open & Nicki Laws Landcare Category is $5.00 irrespective of number of entries submitted.
Maximum 3 entries per category.
All entries to be uploaded via the online entry form.
Take a phone shot of your 'presentation board' to upload with your online entry form, if entering Nicki Laws & primary school categories
Image size to be 1MB -2MB **
Images to be taken on the Darling Downs preferably within the past 18 months (except for Category 7: On Our Selection)
Images taken with motion-sensor cameras not allowed.
Rules allow the Group to publish any submitted photos for promotional or educational purposes.
All winners announced at the Presentation Event (Nov. 7th)
Judge’s decision is final.
Closing date for Schools Category extended to Monday 14th Sept.
Entries will be on display at:
Royal Bulls Head Inn - Carnival of Flowers Week, Sept.20 - 25
("On Our Selection" Category only)
Other venues Subject to Covid regulations
Nicki Laws Landcare & Primary School
Presentation boards may be delivered to any of the following drop-off points:
GDCC Landcare members (see contact details)
Westridge Photos, Westridge, T’mba
Entries in these categories will be returned after the event.
The black display boards are re-usable. Black cardboard in the same size may be substituted if the prescribed boards are unavailable.
Please attach this label to back of your presentation board before delivery to drop-off point.

Jean Gundry Mobile: 0475 311 525